Accuracer: The First And Only Cross-Platform BDE Replacement
Client-Server Single-File Embedded Database with SQL for Delphi / C++Builder / Kylix


Searches for an index with specified fields.

function FindIndex(FieldNamesList, AscDescList, CaseSensitivityList: TStringList): String;

Call FindIndex to search for a specific index in the table.
FindIndex return name of the index that includes specified fields or empty string if ther is no such index.

FieldNamesList - TStringList object with field names.
AscDescList - TStringList object with constants ACR_ASC or ACR_DESC (unit ACRConst).
Each string of this list corresponds field from FieldNames list. Empty list means that all fields in index should have ascending sort order.
CaseSensitivityList - TStringList object with constants ACR_CASE or ACR_NO_CASE (unit ACRConst). Each string of this list corresponds field from FieldNames list. Empty list means that all string fields in index are case sensitive.

© AidAim Software Accuracer: