Accuracer: The First And Only Cross-Platform BDE Replacement
Client-Server Single-File Embedded Database with SQL for Delphi / C++Builder / Kylix


Saves a in-memory table's data and structure to an external file.

procedure SaveToFile(FileName: String; CompressionAlgorithm: TCompressionAlgorithm = caNone; CompressionMode: Byte = 0; BlockSize: Cardinal = 0);

Call SaveToFile to write an in-memory table's data and structure to an external file for later usage.

FileName is the name of the external file to use. If the file already exists, its current contents will be overwritten.
CompressionAlgorithm specifies algorithm used to compress data file.
CompressionMode determines compression level. If CompressionAlgorithm <> caNone then CompressionMode parameter value must be in 1..9 range.
BlockSize is a size of data blocks used by compression.

© AidAim Software Accuracer: Contents-cross-platform Windows Linux Databas