MsgCommunicator: Delphi Instant Messaging (IM) SDK
for easy creation of custom messenger system

TMsgUserInfoArraySortBy type

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TMsgUserInfoArraySortBy lists sort types for user data.


type TMsgUserInfoArraySortBy = (

TMsgUserInfoArraySortBy is the full list of TMsgUserInfoArray sort types (fields of TMsgUserInfo).
msgusbNone - no sorting
msgusbUserID - sort by UserID
msgusbUserName - sort by UserName
msgusbFirstName - sort by FirstName
msgusbLastName - sort by LastName
msgusbStatus - sort by user status
msgusbHost - sort by Host of the last connection of the client
msgusbPort - sort by Port of the last connection of the client
msgusbApplication - sort by Application of the last connection of the client.

© AidAim Software MsgCommunicator: Delphi Messenger Sdk Instant Messaging Sdk Im Sdk