Single File System: Virtual File System Delphi Library
for Archive / Backup with Transparent Compression and Strong Encryption


Occurs when the file being imported has the same name as already existing file and OverwriteMode parameter is set to omPrompt.

TSFSOverwritePromptEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; ExistsingFileName: string; NewFileName: string; var bOverwrite: Boolean) of object;

property OnOverwritePrompt: TSFSOverwritePromptEvent;

OnOverwritePrompt occurs during importing or exporting file(s) process when the file being processed has the same name as already existing file and OverwriteMode parameter in import/export function was set to omPrompt.

The ExistingFileName parameter indicates the name of already existing file which is prompted to be overwritten.

The NewFileName parameter indicates the name of the file being imported..

The bOverwrite parameter specifies whether the file will be overwritten or not.

© 2000-2004 AidAim Software LLC Single File System: Virtual File Syste