EasyTable: Single-File Embedded Database,
a BDE replacement for Delphi and C++Builder

UPDATE Statement

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The INSERT statement is used to modify one or more existing rows in a table.


UPDATE [MEMORY] table_reference [Password "password_value"]
SET column_ref = update_value [,column_ref = update_value...]
[WHERE condition]

Use the UPDATE statement to modify one or more column values in one or more existing rows in a single table.
Use a table reference in the UPDATE clause to specify the table to receive the modified data.
MEMORY option specifies that in-memory table will be created.

The SET clause is a comma-separated list of update expressions for the UPDATE statement. The syntax is as follows:

SET column_ref = update_value [,column_ref = update_value...]

Use SET clause to specify columns to update data and a new values for them.

The WHERE clause specifies filtering conditions for the UPDATE statement. The syntax is as follows:

WHERE condition

Use a WHERE clause to update only records that meets specified conditions.

Here is an example:

UPDATE Members SET FirstName = 'New Name' WHERE ID >= 3

© AidAim Software EasyTable: Easytable Ben Delphi Database Single File Bde Replacemen