Single-user only
Multi-user (file server)
All 32-bit MS Windows
All 32-bit MS Windows
Borland Delphi 4, 5, 6, 7
C++Builder 4, 5, 6
Borland Delphi 4, 5, 6, 7
C++Builder 4, 5, 6
Kylix 3 (Delphi)
Database Formats
Single-file database | Yes | Yes
Executable database file | Yes | Yes
Data Types
| ftInteger, ftSmallInt, ftFloat, ftDateTime, ftDate, ftTime, ftString, ftWideString,
ftCurrency, ftWord, ftBoolean, ftLargeInt, ftAutoinc, ftBLOB, ftMemo, ftGraphic, ftFmtMemo, ftBytes
| ftFixedChar, ftString, ftWideString, ftSmallint, ftInteger, ftLargeint, ftWord, ftAutoInc,
ftFloat, ftBoolean, ftCurrency, ftDate, ftTime, ftDateTime, ftTimeStamp, ftBytes, ftVarBytes,
ftBlob, ftGraphic, ftMemo, ftFmtMemo
Advanced Data Types
| No
| aftChar, aftString, aftWideChar, aftWideString, aftShortint, aftSmallint, aftInteger,
aftLargeint, aftByte, aftWord, aftCardinal, aftAutoInc, aftAutoIncShortint, aftAutoIncSmallint,
aftAutoIncInteger, aftAutoIncLargeint, aftAutoIncByte, aftAutoIncWord, aftAutoIncCardinal,
aftSingle, aftDouble, aftExtended, aftBoolean, aftCurrency, aftDate, aftTime, aftDateTime,
aftTimeStamp, aftBytes, aftVarBytes, aftBlob, aftGraphic, aftMemo, aftFormattedMemo, aftWideMemo
Maximum number of concurrent connections
No concurrent connections - single-user only!
1,000,000 in MU (multi-user) version,
1 in SU (single-user) version,
2 in Trial version.
Maximum records quantity | 2^32 (over 4 billions) | 28,129,029,311,692 (over 28 trillions)
Maximum page size, bytes | 2^31 (over 2 billions) | 65,535 (64 Kb without 1 byte)
Unicode support | No | Yes, fully: SQL, filters, database objects' and file names
Transactions | No | Yes
TDatabase, TTable, TQuery, TSession compatible components
for all versions excluding Lite*
TBatchMove compatible component
Server component
in Accuracer CS only
SQL & DDL commands | Yes | Yes, advanced statements supported
Subqueries | Uncorrelated | Correlated
Referential Integrity
SQL'99 compliance
Backup and Restore methods
Master / detail relationship | Yes | Yes
Multiple-field indexes | Yes | Yes
Indexing Algorithm | RowID-based | B-Tree, page based
Indexes Memory Usage | High | Low
Index Updating | On closing table only | After each insert, delete or edit record
Calculated and lookup fields | Yes | Yes
Key and Range methods | Yes | Yes
Required fields (NOT NULL) | Yes | Yes
Minimum, Maximum and Default values | No | Yes
Sequences and AutoInc support
ftAutoInc only
ftAutoInc, aftAutoInc, aftAutoIncShortint, aftAutoIncSmallint, aftAutoIncInteger,
aftAutoIncLargeint, aftAutoIncByte, aftAutoIncWord, aftAutoIncCardinal.
Advanced sequence manager: initial, minimum and maximum values, increment, cycled properties
RestructureTable or ALTER TABLE support | Yes | Yes
ImportTable and ExportTable methods | Yes | Yes
ODBC driver | Yes | Yes
Kylix support | No | Yes
Fast search engine
| Very fast with small (about 10,000 records)
and medium-size tables (up to 100,000 records).
| Very fast on medium-size and large tables (100,000 and more records).
Very fast B-tree indexes search.
I/O performance
| High-speed.
Read-ahead and write buffering,
specially optimized algorithms.
Advanced cash system.
SQL performance
| High.
| High.
Advanced SQL optimizer: Very fast with complicated queries.
Fast temporary tables: Very fast with queries on multiple tables.
Multiple cursors support | Yes | Yes
In-memory tables | Yes | Yes
Low memory consumption | No | Yes
Custom memory manager | No | Yes
Memory leaks and overruns detection | No | Yes
Multi-thread access | Yes | Yes
Compact database format
| Yes.
3 database file modes: Compact, Normal, Large set one of the following database file page size: 2, 4, 8 Kbytes.
Automatic BLOB headers compression.
Very compact indexes (approx. 4 bytes per single record)
One or more system indexes
| Yes.
Advanced database file tuning:
database file page size can be set to any value from 128 bytes minimum up to maximum 65,535 bytes.
BLOB and Varchar compression.
No system indexes.
CompactDatabase method | Yes | Yes
Database and table repair methods | Database and Table Repair | Database and Table Repair
Reverse engineering (table/database to SQL script export) | No | Yes
Backup and Restore support | No | Yes
BLOB fields | Yes, with data compression ability | Yes, with data compression ability
Varchar fields | No | Yes, with data compression ability
| 2 algorithms: ZLib, PPM
3 modes: Fastest, Default, Max
| 3 algorithms: ZLib, BZip, PPM
3 * 9 = 27 compression modes total
Database file encryption | Yes, excluding system pages | Yes, all pages - noncompressible file
Table encryption | Yes | No
Encryption algorithms | Rijndael (AES winner) 256-bit key |
12 strong encryption algorithms:
- Rijndael, 128 bit key
- Rijndael, 256 bit key
- Blowfish, 448 bit key
- Twofish, 128 bit key
- Twofish, 256 bit key
- Square, 256 bit key
- Single DES 56 bits key, 8 bytes blocks
- Double DES 112 bits key, 8 bytes blocks
- Double DES 112 bits key, 16 bytes blocks
- Triple DES 168 bits key, 8 bytes blocks
- Triple DES 168 bits key, 16 bytes blocks
- Triple DES 168 bits key, 24 bytes blocks
Encryption modes | CTS | CTS, CFB, OFB, CBC
Encryption schema | Text Password | Text Password or Binary Key
Custom Initialization Vector | No | Yes
Help System and Demos
Help System | - EasyTable Reference. Installs into IDE.
- EasyTable Developer's Guide
| - Accuracer Reference. Installs into IDE.
- Accuracer Developer's Guide
Documentation formats available | HLP | HLP, PDF, CHM and HTML
Demos | 28 demos with full source code | 36 demos with full source code
Single-user version w/o source code, w/o multithread, w/o SQL | Lite*: $45
Full single-user version without source code | Com: $85 | SU Std: $105
Full multi-user version without source code |   | MU Std: $225 (file-server)
CS Std: $355 (client-server)
Full version with source code | Pro: $155 (single-user) | MU Pro: $355 (file-server)
CS Pro: $595 (client-server)
* - Lite version does not include TEasySession and TEasyQuery components.